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Pregnancy and are not alone! postpartum pregnancy Jul 02, 2020

Pregnancy and being a new parent can be amazing, but also really hard!


There are so many changes both inside and out…your body changes, your hormones are running wild, you have new responsibilities, priorities change, communication with your partner is often more strained.



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Tummy Time...How to make it fun for you and your baby!!! Jun 10, 2020

Tummy Time…why is it so hard????


This is a question we get all the time!! Why does my baby cry every time I do tummy time? 


Well, let’s talk more about tummy time.  Why we do it and how we can change it up to make it more enjoyable for babies and parents!


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Lightning Crotch and other pelvic pains of pregnancy!!! May 27, 2020

Pregnancy is an amazing time, but can also be a challenge!! And you can certainly have some strange aches and pains you may have never experienced before!!! Here are the most common Pains in the Pelvic Region that some people may mistake as labour! 

  1. Lightning Crotch
  2. Varicose Veins in the...
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Thyroid in pregnancy: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid and what we can do about it. postpartum pregnancy May 20, 2020

Thyroid in Pregnancy:

Thyroid problems in pregnancy affect about 3-5% of women in Canada.  

Check out our podcast here: 


Thyroid hormone is produced in the thyroid and is known as T4.  T4 is then released into the bloodstream and is turned into T3, which is the active...

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Top 5 Symptoms in Early Pregnancy! bleeding in pregnancy constipation early pregnancy fatigue nausea and vomiting pregnancy May 13, 2020

Top 5 symptoms in early pregnancy


Congratulations on your early pregnancy! And if you're thinking about getting pregnant, we're excited for you too!  We are glad you're a part of our community! Here are 5 of the more common symptoms that women worry about in their early pregnancy.


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Morning Sickness: The low down on Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy! early pregnancy pregnancy pregnancy symptoms May 06, 2020



Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), which usually starts between 5 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, is quite common; up to 80% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting at some point in their pregnancies and between 3-6% of pregnant women experience severe nausea and vomiting,...

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Pregnancy Care during Covid coronavirus covid newborn pregnancy Apr 29, 2020

Pregnancy care during Covid:


We know a lot of you are seeing way less of your maternity care provider than you usually would in “normal” times and you may be wondering... Is this safe?  What should I be watching for?  


So let's take a few minutes and go...

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Swaddling My Baby: Is it safe? newborn Apr 15, 2020

So mamas......lets talk about swaddling!!

Back in the day almost all babies used to be swaddled, and in many cultures this is still universally practiced...however over the past few decades people have been trying to reduce the risks to babies and encouraging safe sleep practice.  The safety...

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Update: COVID-19 Pregnancy and Delivery coronavirus covid-19 evidence based pregnancy Apr 08, 2020

We've been getting lots of questions about coronavirus, or COVID-19 infection, in pregnancy so we put together this blog post to address the TOP 5 questions we've been getting. And if you're more of a video kind of learner, check out our new YouTube video shared today where we touch on the same...

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To TOLAC or not to TOLAC...that is the question!!! birth cesarean section Apr 01, 2020

TOLAC stands for Trial of Labour after Cesarean Section and if it is successful it ends in a VBAC Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section.  Check out our free Birth Plan Download here! 

Why are we talking about this you might ask?  Because it is a question that many women struggle...

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COVID-19 in Pregnancy and Newborn Feeding – What do you need to know? Mar 28, 2020

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a ‘novel’ type of coronavirus that is newly infecting humans around the globe. It is a strain of coronavirus originally found in animals, and because it has just newly infected humans, we have no immunity to it hence the rapid increase in cases both...

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Breastfeeding Tips For Beginners breastfeeding newborn postpartum Mar 25, 2020

Breastfeeding can be tough, and even worse if we don't know how to get off to the right start!  This blog post gives some great tips on how to do that!  Check out our free cheat sheet on the top 5 mistakes we make when breastfeeding and how to fix them!


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