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Let’s cut right to the chase - Drs. Alicia and Sarah have compiled a list of 6 things no one tells you about postpartum! Tune in to learn more about what to expect from the unexpected (yet all perfectly normal)! And follow the links they reference below for more related resources, guides,...

Drs. Sarah & Alicia
Maternity Physicians
Welcome to our blog! Where we put together researched, evidence based articles based on our weekly She Found Motherhood podcast episode, featuring subject matter experts and specialists from across many fields!
All Topics accupressure alcohol and fertility anemia baby baby eczema baby food baby shower baby weaning back pain in postpartum back pain in pregnancy becoming a mother birth birth center birth mini course birth plan birth positions birth preference birth trauma birthing birthing class bleeding in pregnancy blood type body image bottle breast feeding breastfeeding c-section c-section scar car seat safety car seats causes of infertility celebration cesarean section child benefit childbirth childbirth education childbirth preparation childproofing choosing a care provider circumcision cluster feeding colostrum community conception constipation constipation in pregnancy contractions coronavirus counseling couple course covid covid and kids covid vaccine covid-19 cpr cradle cap dental work dental work in pregnancy dentist diabetes in pregnancy diastasis diastasis recti diet diet culture doula early labour early pregnancy eclampsia egg freezing epidurals evidence based exercise in postpartum exercise in pregnance exercise in pregnancy eye care family doctor fatigue feeding feeding your baby fertility fertility preservation fetal movement financial planning first prenatal visit first trimester first trimester symptoms formula formula feeding fourth trimester fun gestational diabetes gestational diabetes diet gestational diabetes newborn gifts hairloss hand expression health tips herpes herpesinpregnancy high blood pressure hospital bag hypertension hypertensive disorders of pregnancy hypnobirthing immunization infant loss infertility informedconsent intuitive eating irregular periods iui ivf kim vopni labour labour and delivery lifestyle married couple massage therapy masterclass maternal health maternal wellness maternity maternity leave maternity photoshoot matitis menopause mental health mental heatlh midwife miscarriage mom wine culture morning sickness motherhood nausea and vomiting new parents newbirn skin care newborn newborn care newborn safety newborn skincare newborn sleep newborn support nicu nutrition obstetrician obstetrics oral health packing list pain pain in labour pain management painful sex in pregnancy parenthood parents partner ppd pcos pelvic floor physio pelvic health pelvic pain pelvic pain in pregnancy pelvic physio perimenopause perinatal perinatal health perineal massage photography physical activity physiotherapy physiotherapy in pregnancy postpartum postpartum anxiety postpartum body postpartum core postpartum depression postpartum depression in partners postpartum doula postpartum exercise postpartum fitness postpartum recovery postpartum relationships postpartum support postpartumtips ppa ppd preeclampsia pregnancy pregnancy care pregnancy eye care pregnancy hygiene pregnancy loss pregnancy photoshoot pregnancy provider pregnancy symptoms pregnancy test pregnant pregnant artists premature prenatal prenatal care preparing for baby preparing for pregnancy preterm relationship rest scar desensitization scar tissue scar tissue massage second trimester self care sex in postpartum sex in pregnacy sexual health sfm podcast she found motherhood signs of pregnancy skincare sleep in pregnancy small babies smoking and fertility sober journey sober mom squad sobriety solid foods starting solids stength training in pregnancy substance use support support postpartum the vagina coach third trimester thyroid and fertility tongue ties trying to conceive ttc ultrasound urinary incontinence in pregnancy urinary leakage vaccine vaccines in pregnancy varicose veins vbac vitamin d vitamin k vitamin k shot voice in pregnancy waterbirth women's health women'shealth wrist pain