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Pelvic Physio Postpartum

back pain in postpartum exercise in postpartum pelvic health pelvic pain pelvic pain in pregnancy pelvic physio physiotherapy physiotherapy in pregnancy Aug 24, 2022
She Found Health
Pelvic Physio Postpartum

Today’s podcast features one of our favourite guests and collaborators, Mommy Berries founder & mom of two, Melissa Dessaulles (BScPT, BScKin, Pelvic Health). Dr. Alicia and Melissa discuss what pelvic physio is really all about, demystifying common assumptions, and giving you a glimpse into how practitioners approach their pregnant and postpartum patients. Have a listen - it’s not as scary as you may think!

The first thing to realize is that while professionals such as Mel are focused on the pelvic area, each issue is viewed in relation to the whole body. While childbirth related issues do most affect the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles and tissues, the way we move through the world, care for our baby, the work we do, and the type of exercise we get are all related and can cause a trickle-down effect - the parts are all in relation to the whole.

Secondly, each case is individual. While there are some general guidelines that are often universally applicable, they are not law so don’t be afraid to seek individual help and guidance from your health practitioners. For example, while the “rule” of not engaging in physical activity for six weeks postpartum is generally helpful, your need to go for a walk or do light activity for mental health purposes may override the recommendation, which can also vary depending on how your body is healing. Again, each piece of general advice should be considered in relation to the whole puzzle that is perinatal mental and physical health.

Another thing to note is that not all pelvic physiotherapy appointments are invasive - in fact most begin with a remote or telehealth appointment where issues and needs are discussed verbally. A lot of information can be gathered by the physio just through describing your recovery journey, any issues you might be experiencing, and visual observation of how you move and what kind of work your body goes through to meet the needs of your particular day and environment. If you’re uncomfortable with a certain aspect of care, don’t be afraid to speak up and let your practitioner know that you would prefer a different approach.

Pelvic physiotherapy can seem an intimidating practice, especially after the large, life-changing event of childbirth. But they are here to support you in your journey in the best way for you. In addition to one-on-one therapy, a lot of pelvic physio’s offer small group sessions, virtual consultations, and online courses to make sure you can enter the experience with relevant information, demystifying the process of pregnancy and childbirth from end to end. Check-out the below offerings from Mel Dessaulles - there is a special discount for our valued listeners!

Taking you from anxious and overwhelmed to confident during your childbirth experience:

Pregnancy to Parenthood Online Prenatal Masterclass

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