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Holiday Round-Up!

childbirth childbirth education early pregnancy gifts newborn newborn care newborn safety newborn sleep pregnancy Dec 01, 2021
She Found Health
Holiday Round-Up!

As we enter the last month of 2021, you might be thinking about putting up those holiday decorations, buying something special for those you love, and how the heck has another year gone by already!? 

While we’re equally lost on that last point, we are able to help you out when it comes to finding a perfect gift for you or that someone special who is pregnant or newly parenting! As you know, we are all about empowering people with knowledge, so in that spirit as well as wish to avoid cluttering our lives with too much “stuff”, we’ve put together this list of our favourite courses with special discount codes for you, our loyal audience, as well as a few of our favourite products (that are a bit tougher to pass down or get second hand)!

Please consider using the links provided below as they are affiliates and help fund all of the free content we bring to you. 



Pregnancy Nutrition with Noelle 

from Nourished Beginnings Pregnancy

Pelvic Health in Pregnancy and Preparing your Pelvic Floor for Childbirth 

from Mommy Berries

Infant First Aid and Car Seat Safety

from Safe Beginnings 

Hands Free Entertainment while you Feed! 

Infant Feeding: Course, Recipe Book, Digital Resources and more

from Happy Healthy Eaters: 

Infant Sleep

from TalkinSleep 



1. Woolino Sleep Sack - 10% off

The four season ultimate merino wool baby sleep bag!


2. The Nesting Box: Subscription Boxes

A trimester specific subscription box filled with our favourite pregnancy, postpartum, and newborn items!

3. Uresta

15% off with Shefound15 on this link or Amazon 

Uresta is the modern answer to pee-leaks. Don’t just take our word for it; in clinical studies, 86% of women saw a significant reduction in leaks, and pee leaks stopped completely for 64% of women. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, you’ve nothing to lose, except the leaks.


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