Group B Strep in Pregnancy
Jun 16, 2021
Wondering what GBS in pregnancy is? How do we screen for Group B Strep? How do we treat GBS during labour? What effects GBS has on your newborn?
Well today's podcast is for you!
Did you know that 15-40% of pregnant people have Group B Strep in their perineal region at time of delivery?
Historically this bacteria has caused significant illness in babies including:
- Septicemia (blood infections)
- Meningitis (nerve and brain infections)
- Pneumonia (lung infections)
1-3% of term babies who contract GBS die, and 20-30% of preterm babies who contract Group B Strep die. This is too high!! So we recommend a few things.
1) Screen all pregnant people around 35-36 weeks of gestation (or earlier if they present in threatened preterm labour).
2) Treat all people who screen + for GBS with intravenous antibiotics during labour.
3) If people present and have not been screened, then treat based on risk factors.
Wanting to learn more about Group B Strep in pregnancy and childbirth?
Have a listen to our podcast!
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